
I’m a
sucker for ships where Person A is damaged and Person B is their salvation, and
when you look closer, you find that Person B is damaged, as well, just in a
less obvious/volatile way, and Person A is their salvation right back.



so I feel like it’s important, from a semantics point of view, to note that the franchise refers to Usagi and Mamoru as “the miracle romance” not the destined romance which is sort of an important distinction since one implies more free will –

Red string of fate aside (which is a concept in the culture as a whole in the same way the Western world uses, say, “soulmates”), the song implies the miracle is their being born in the same country – the same string of cosmic coincidence that leads to anyone’s birth, meeting, falling in love – but there isn’t this idea (at least I don’t see one) in the show or manga as a whole of them being forced into something that purely preordained. 

Man, that is such a good point. Across the various canons, there is always an emphasis on how they are brought together *despite* fate. The manga essentially says that fate condemned their worlds to die for the transgression of a Moon princess loving an Earth prince. The fact that they all died *again* at the end of the first arc was meant to hammer home this point–fate reasserting itself, condemning them for crossing that line.

Literally the only reason they get to be alive, together, is because of Usagi and the ginzuishou and her “miraculous” power of life. She broke the cycle and brought everyone back. Together they created a future that literally should not have been possible. That’s not what resigning themselves to destiny looks like. That’s defying destiny. Miracle romance, indeed.


yo okay so like

does the motorbike helmet replace sela’s usual helmet

or is her actual helmet underneath the motorbike helmet


i guess that’s my answer


honestly if ur an introvert ur probably better off befriending some extroverts bc having a whole squad of introverts is fine at first but eventually you end up never doing anything with them ever especially after you finish school bc ur all fine being loners and low maintenance friends that just tag each other in memes and snapchat each other which is nice but sometimes i wanna leave my house instead of binge watching spongebob squarepants you need balance in ur squad you need to have people who are gonna motivate the squad to be social 

I was practicing expressions then this happened and i  ju st wanna cry like when did i get so attached to this fucking furry version of my son????