
I tried to experiment today a little with watercolor??? because I think watercolor looks really nice c: So yeah, when I think “water” I’m like “Lostko!” so there’s this hehe

But yeah, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about this haha I think it came out all right, but because I’m so used to painting, I think that kind of shows in the final product

It’s also really weird because at most I paint on like two layers and this was so many (ToT) but it was an interesting experience ^o^

In the end, I think I’ll stick to painting, but it’s nice to try something else every once in a while hehe


Roman – Your Story Revolving around a Winter’s Morning and a Holy Night vol.1 illustrations

“I” watch the girls fade into the distance…between “morning” and “night”.

Good evening, my dear traveler of the horizons.
This is a story(roman) dedicated to you, who have awoken in a horizon that is neither morning nor night.
This is a story(roman) of the wounded, the beaten and the ones who suffered great loss.
This is a story(roman) of those who continue to wander with their eyes to the sky.
Ah, for we are born. And we will die.
Just like how the windmill turns. This is a story(roman) found there.
A special story(roman), the likes that could be found anywhere. Let’s bring a song to life.
Let’s continue our song. Just like him – one who would eventually be born on a holy night(Noël).

The Story of Morning and Night

You will awaken. In a horizon that is neither morning nor night.
You, the traveler of horizons who have gone forth and come back. Your journey starts here.
Perhaps it will be an endless journey. Perhaps there is no clearly defined destination. However, you will set off regardless. You will experience many meetings, and many goodbyes. You will know your name. You wish for it, and the girls answer. “Oui, monsieur.”

Keep reading


 Roman – Your Story Revolving around a Winter’s Morning and a Holy Night vol.2 illustrations

Good evening, my dear traveler of the horizons.

This is a story(roman) for a woman who had her love tainted, who lost love, but kept on fighting her entire life even as she stumbled. This is a story(roman) of a man who was known as ‘He who possessed the hands of God’ by later generations, a man who offered his entire life to something he believed in and expected nothing in return. This is the story(roman) of someone who closed his eyes for the last time with beautiful things etched deeply in his heart. If you ever lose your way, you should listen to the sage’s advice. But in the end, the choice is yours to make. If you are to depart, then at least leave a message. That in itself is also a story(roman). Everything is a special story(roman), the likes of which could be found anywhere.

Let’s bring a song to life. Let’s continue our song. Together with him – one who will be born on a holy night (Noël).

(The kadokawa page has no per-chapter summaries for the second volume yet)


Did this a couple days ago, but took some time off for myself but here I am~ o/

Colored a doodle I did from sketchbook, and also practicing some other coloring styles?? I think this came out all right haha Still trying to figure out what to do with lines orz

Anyways yeah, here’s some modern!Noël and modern!Misia being dorks